Hey there Dear Readers... Sorry about the delay on the Guru's Holiday Hits instalments, but like everyone else in this wild and woolly Universe, we discovered things going totally mental over X-mas and New Year!!! After all Guru's family commitments, eating an absolute ton of food, opening pressies, giving pressies (oh, did I mention falling over and spraining my wrist, so I wasn't allowed to type - Doctor's orders) and all that happy, happy, joy, joy stuff... this is my first lob back to the blog and we're in for a real treat!
Guru's never been a real fan of Sports videogames and to be honest finds watching the Tennis and Cricket about as exciting as watching paint dry (joking... sorta) on an overcast day. But when he discovered this Freebie iOS App (and doesn't everyone love a Freebie?)... Well, he had to eat his words because he actually had stacks of fun with it. In fact, he finished the whole first world and won the Jurassic Cup in one sitting, no mean feat, even for the 'Guru of Gaming'!
The name of the game is 'MLC Tennis Hot Shots Galaxy' and it's the uber-entertaining follow-up to last year's Tennis Hot Shots. The great thing about Hot Shots Galaxy is it tears a page outta the Mario Gaming Rule Book, adding awesome fantasy themed courts/worlds/tourneys. There are three of them: Jurassic, Spooky, and of course Galactic, each of them slowly turning up the difficulty as you progress and hone your Tennis skills.
In addition to the themed worlds, there are also cheeky little distractions to try and throw you off your game. In the Jurrassic Tourney it's a huge Brontosaurus that ambles by and a Pterodactyl that really peeved me off, pinching the ball whenever I'd set up the perfect shot... or at least, that's what I keep telling myself! Spooky has Lightning Flashes and ball pilfering Ghosts, while Galactic sports a floating Astro Dog and ball abducting Aliens, which - trust me - is definitely more fun than an anal probe... Not that I'd know from experience; just going on what I've been told, and what I've seen in too many re-runs of X-Files...
There are also some brilliant Special Moves/Power Ups to be pulled off, via activating a special touch button at critical points during the matches. Stuff like Mega Forehand, Sonic Boom, Lightning Lob, and Atomic Wedgie... er... I mean Atomic Smash, all of which can give you the edge to defeat your opponents if your fingers are nimble enough. These can be purchased with coins/points earned by playing the matches and are successfully pulled-off by touch-tracing special patterns on the screen as quickly as possible. Likewise, successfully returning a ball with this Special Move Mojo on it, involves successfully tracing a squiggle quickly and then slamming it back down the court - all of which makes this a hell of a lot more exciting than your typical game of Tennis.
Best of all, this puppy is made here in Melbourne, Australia (Guru's home town), by the guys at Millipede. That, and of course, the fact that you can pick it up for Free at the iTunes store. How freakin' humongously, AWESOMELY, AWESOME is that??!!! Oh, by the way, the game has been developed to promote the immensely popular MLC Tennis Hot Shots program run by Tennis Australia (http://hotshots.tennis.com.au/) and Guru's not the only fan of this fun App. Aussie tennis superstar Alicia Molik is the ambassador for both the program and the game, giving them her personal stamp of approval! So don't take Guru's word for it, listen to an Aussie Tennis Legend and download the game now!!!
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